Rely on us when you need us the most.
Personalized Care to Meet Your Physical and Emotional Needs
Our compassionate team is dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each of our residents. We offer recreational activities seven days a week, daily religious services, top-quality nursing care and medical services overseen by Stephen Bresnahan, M.D., a board-certified geriatrician.
The long-term care program at St. Joseph Manor Health Care consists of exceptional caregivers, providing residents and their families with peace of mind and continuity of care. We encourage strong relationships between residents and staff.
We believe it is the people who work at the Manor who make this a place to call home. Nothing can substitute for the kindness of the night nurse who sits with a family member or the nurse aide who gently invites a resident to join others in the community dining room.
Learn more about life at St. Joseph Manor.